
To Discredit is to destroy or impair the credibility of a person ; to impeach ; to lessen the degree of credit to be accorded to a witness or document; to disparage or weaken the reliance upon the testimony of a witness, or upon documentary evidence, by any means whatever.


Discretion is the power of a judge, public official or a private party (under authority given by contract, trust or will) to make decisions on various matters based on his/her opinion within general legal guidelines. Judicial discretion is the exercise of judgment by a judge or court based on his/her personal judgment and guided by…


To distinguish, single out, or make a distinction. In the context of civil rights law, unlawful discrimination refers to unfair or unequal treatment based on certain characteristics, age, gender, disability, religion etc. In the UK you are protected from discrinination by the Equality Act 2000 at work/in education, as a consumer, when buying/rent property and…


Disorder is the breakdown of peaceful and law-abiding public behaviour. A public order offence such as criminal damage, violent disorder, harassment and inciting racial or religious hatred, are all criminal acts. Someone accused of a disorder offence may face prosecution and/or trial.


A Dispute is a civil problem not dealt with in court, (a civil dispute which comes to court is called a civil case); challenging the views of the opposing party in a civil case.


Disrepute is a state of not being respected or trusted by most people, A state of having a bad reputation, or lack or decline of good reputation. A state of being held in low esteem.