‘The Little Mermaid’ Producers sued for £150,000 by special effects artist over on-set wrist injury

Christine Overs, a special effects artist who broke her wrist when she fell from a beach scene and onto a concrete floor when part of the set gave way while filming for Disney’s live action Little Mermaid remake is suing for £150,000. Ms Overs says the injury to her left wrist has ruined her career which requires…

Former Rugby League International Nick Fozzard and other former Rugby players pursue legal claims after suffering brain injuries during their playing careers

Former rugby league Great Britain international Nick Fozzard and other former rugby players are now pursuing legal claims in the High Court against the Rugby Football League (RFL) after claiming to have suffered brain injuries during their playing careers. The claimants are alleging the RFL was negligent in failing to provide acceptable protective action against…

Paralysed rugby player who sued opponent for £10,000,000 over tackle wins compensation

Paralysed rugby player who sued opponent for £10,000,000 over tackle wins compensation

Dani Czernuszka, a female rugby player who sued an opponent, Natasha King for £10 million after she was paralysed for life by a tackle in a league match between her team Reading Sirens and Bracknell Ladies in October 2017,  has won her High Court case for compensation. The verdict, a first for the ladies game…

Grandmother who lost her limbs after getting sepsis from a paper loses compensation claim

A grandmother who lost her limbs after getting sepsis from a paper cut has lost her claim for compensation at Scotland’s highest civil court, the Inner House at the Court of Session. Marguerite Henderson sued her GPs at the Benarty Medical alleging that they didn’t do enough in February 2018 to stop her falling seriously…

Changes to the Highway Code: What you need to know and how it affects you

The Highway Code has updated its rules to make the roads safer for the most vulnerable road users and to encourage more cycling and walking in a safe way. Cyclists are not obliged to use cycle lanes even if one is available. The code, which has made this rule clearer but hasn’t changed it, says cyclists should “exercise…

E-scooter rider sues bus company after being hit by bus

A man in his 50s who was injured after a bus knocked him off an e-scooter he was riding illegally is seeking compensation worth thousands of pounds from the bus company’s insurers in what could prove to be a landmark legal case. The man was riding a privately owned e-scooter on a public road in London in…

Victim of paedophile football coach Barry Bennell, secures settlement

David Lean, a victim of paedophile and former Crewe Alexandra coach Barry Bennell has secured a five-figure settlement from the previous owners of Butlin’s after Bennell groomed him while working at a holiday park in Wales in 1979. A civil case was brought by Lean against Hard Rock Cafe (Edinburgh) Limited, formerly known as Butlin’s…

Ex-Great Britain star Bobbie Goulding, 49, suing the Rugby Football League after he’s diagnosed with dementia

Great Britain half-back Bobbie Goulding is among a group of former rugby league players who are bringing legal action against the Rugby Football League (RFL) for allegedly failing to protect them from the risks of brain damage caused by concussion. He says that he played within days of “a serious knockout” on at least three occasions. Goulding, 49, has…