Compensation for Injured Feelings?

When it comes to an injury compensation claim, it’s not always about physical injuries. In many cases the mental trauma following an incident is cause for a claim in itself. In ordinary circumstances, a disabled person who had suffered emotional injury following discrimination would likely have a viable Injury Compensation Claim to make, however this is…

Traffic Accident Compensation

Prime Minister, David Cameron says that he wants to reduce car insurance premiums by putting an end to the traffic accident compensation culture. Consultation was launched last year after figures revealed a 60 per cent increase in the number of personal injury claims related to road accidents since 2006. Whiplash claims in 2010 are estimated…

Medical Negligence Claim

If you have been unlucky enough to suffer from medical negligence the results can obviously be catastrophic, ranging from minor inconvenience to death. Medical negligence occurs when you have suffered unduly from the malpractice of a medical practitioner which can come in the form of things like misdiagnosis, wrong treatment, clinical malpractice, botched surgery, and…