Traffic Accident Compensation

Prime Minister, David Cameron says that he wants to reduce car insurance premiums by putting an end to the traffic accident compensation culture. Consultation was launched last year after figures revealed a 60 per cent increase in the number of personal injury claims related to road accidents since 2006. Whiplash claims in 2010 are estimated…

Do I need a divorce lawyer?

Deciding that your marriage is over is a hard decision to reach. In addition to your personal feelings there maybe children or other family members who will be affected, and wider financial implications to consider. Once you are sure that a permanent split is the only way forward, seeking professional legal advice from a divorce lawyer is recommended. If you are ready…

Making a Will

Surveys carried out by show that half of the population does not have a Will. Furthermore, people put off making a Will, often until they are in their 50’s. This leaves a sizeable number uncovered, not to mention those who die young. Making a Will lets you leave clear instructions about how your estate is to…